Sunday, May 9, 2010

Freedom Of Speech

Free Speech:

Ammendment 1, Freedom of Speech

Some people believe that certain things aren't freedom of speech and that sometimes people are speaking when they are not supposed to be. Most Recently cyber bullying has been the case of whether people are using there freedom of Speech or whether they are violating other people's rights. Cyber Bullying is one of those thin line situations about whether its freedom of speech or a violation of another persons rights.

This Article is a prime example of the First Ammendment of the United States Constitution. Ammendment I states that United States citizens have freedom of speech. Basically saying they have the right to speak on their opinions when the time is right. The Article shows how someones right to Freedom of Speech was violated. When a persons rights are being violated they also have the right to stand up for themselves, such as in the Article the girl decided to sue the school because of she was being deprived of her rights.

The United States without the Freedom of speech would be terrible. Not allowing people to state what they feel about certain things would cause major chaos in the United States government. I also feel sometimes people abuse that right and thats when things become unconstitutional and people began to use their rights to take other peoples rights which is not allowed. The First ammendment is one of the most commonly known Ammendments in the Constitution and without it I dont think the United States would have much uity at all.

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