Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Cruel Punishments

Amendment VIII
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

In the United States people shall not recieve cruel and unusual punishments for something that was maybe a simple crime. The punishment should always fit the crime.
This cartoon demonstrates the VIII Amendment of the United States Constitution. People shall not suffer any cruel punishments that does not fit the crime they committ. The government does not have the power to make a person suffer a cruel punishment for crime that was committed. The Cartoon clearly demonstrates the eighth amendment because it shows how the government sometimes perform unconstitutional acts by giving people cruel punishments.
If the authorities had the power to force cruel punishments upon citizens of the United States things would be chaotic. I could not imagine how things would be for me or my family because I've had incidents with the law that could've been very different for me. Sometimes authorities get away with cruel punishments and I feel this is an area of our government that needs to be watched the most. Especially for me living in a Minority neighborhood, authorities feel they have the power to treat us any kind of way. Overall this amendment is very useful at times. It keeps alot of things fair throughout the criminal justice part of the government.

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