Sunday, May 9, 2010

Packing Heat

Bearing Arms:

Ammendment II
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

The Supreme Court is having its most biggest task in the D.C. vs Heller case. Dick Heller simply wants to be able to have a gun for protection in his home, but state laws says he is not allowed to have any sort of gun at his home in the state of Washington. He believes this is a violation ofhis right to bear Arms.

This Article Clearly demonstrates the Second Ammendment of the United States Constitution. This article demonstrates that people should be allowed to have handguns in their home for protection, and that the Constitution shall protect the right. State laws sometimes prohibit citizens from bearing arms and they feel thats a violation of their rights.

I feel the right to bear arms is a very useful ammendment in the United Staes Constitution. People should have the right to protect their family,but when does it become Unconstitutional? State laws denied Dick Heller from having a handgun in his home. What should he do to protect his family if needed. I feel that the State law of Washington, D.C. is violated his rights and the Supreme Court has a tough task on its hands in deciding whether he should be able to bear arms in his own home. If you had no way of Protecting your family what would you do, go against the State laws or live unprotected?

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